
Walgreens profit

So, I've made about $7 at Walgreens this week, here is how:

Did you see this deal?

Carefree Ultra Protection Panti-liners $1.99=$1.99RR
Use the $1 coupon from here or from the 8/30SS
Final cost FREE + a $1 moneymaker!

Well, I started off with a $1 RR I had from a previous week. I bought the above product, used a $1 MQ and a $1 RR with a cheap filler item since I had two coupons and one item. I made $1 off of that transaction.

Then...I did this deal 4 times (since I had 8 coupons)

Buy 2 Glade Scented Oil Candle Holder or 2 oz Candle $2 each=$1RR
Deal Scenarios:

Buy two 2 oz Glade candles 2/$5
Use 2 FREE coupons from the 8/9SS
Pay nothing but tax
Get back a $1RR
Final cost FREE + a $1 moneymaker!

Then, I took that $1 I made and used it in the Carefree deal like I did above, thus making a $1 profit every time. I plan on doing that two more times, making a total profit of $10! Then, I can roll other deals from week to week.

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