
Do you crave sweet treats?

Me too. I just read an interesting piece from Eat This, Not That. Here is what the newsletter said: (by the way, the reccomend Kashi's new soft baked bars which would pair really well with the Kashi coupon here)

The problem with most sweet treats is they're loaded with sugar, calories, or both. Consume too much of the sweet stuff and you could spike your blood sugar, which increases your chances of developing type-2 diabetes. Not so good. The good news is that not all candies and sweets will treat your body the same brutal way—you have Eat This, Not That! permission to snack (in moderation) on these 10 totally guilt-free supermarket sweets. Another way to keep your blood sugar low is to eat these treats slowly. Japanese researchers gave the same meals to two groups of people, and then asked them to report how quickly they consumed the food. Those who inhaled their dishes had much higher blood sugar than those who took their time over the exact same plates. Are you more of a Hoover than a hoverer? Eat with friends—people who eat in groups eat more slowly, probably because they spend time talking. And try to count the number of chews you have—the more chews you take, the more full you'll feel, scientists found. Another option is to choose a snack from our list of the 15 best snacks for 100 calories or less. The best snacks are filled with protein and fiber—the more you get, the fewer calories you'll consume later in the day. And limiting your snacking to 100 calories ensures that you'll have some much-needed portion control. For more useful snacking tips, check out our 7 Smart Snacking Guidelines.

1 comment:

  1. Love this article. Interesting and helpful!
